
InBetween House / Koji Tsutsui Architect & Associates

Inbetween House / Koji Tsutsui Architect & Associates © Iwan Baan


[Images: From "Dream Isle" by CJ Lim/Studio 8 Architects with Thomas Hillier, Maxwell Mutanda, Rachel Guo, and Ed Liu, from Short Stories: London in Two-and-a-Half Dimensions].

I've just received a copy of the forthcoming book Short Stories: London in Two-and-a-Half Dimensions by CJ Lim and Ed Liu, and I thought I'd include a few glimpses of it here.

[Image: From "Carousel" by CJ Lim/Studio 8 Architects with Maxwell Mutanda, from Short Stories].

The book is ostensibly a collection of spatial short stories in which "unexpected environments and places transform into active protagonists." The stories are "laced with a healthy dose of myth and locational specificity," as the authors write in the book's preface.

They continue:
The short stories of this book's title are set in different time periods of London, intentionally locating themselves in the liminal territory between fiction and architecture to provoke an engagement between readers and their two-dimensional counterparts occupying the depicted city. The stories are neither illustrated texts nor captioned images; the collages represent a network of spatial relationships, and the text, which splices genre such as science fiction, magical realism and the fairy tale, a thread that links some of the nodes of that network together.
In the two following images, for instance, produced by the authors in collaboration with Maxwell Mutanda and Tomasz Marchewka, we see a fictive bridge connecting what are described as the warring tribes of north and south London. There are 214 bridges over the Thames, this story goes, but every year a new connective filament appears: a 215th bridge.

This bridge, "in contrast to its predecessors, is a transitory connection joining the two halves of the metropolis only between the summer months of June and September, during which a common amnesty is held."

[Images: From "Discontinuous Cities" by CJ Lim/Studio 8 Architects with Maxwell Mutanda and Tomasz Marchewka, from Short Stories].

In other stories, Alice in Wonderland collides with the Playboy Mansion, which arrives for one night, and one night only, in the parks of London, where "underground chambers, replicating the hole through which Alice follows the white rabbit, had been scattered through the garden, capped with circular lenses and mirrors," optically augmenting this hedonistic underworld.

A "roving telescopic contraption" roams the streets; a leather suitcase pops open and "the habitable spaces within extend and unfold each morning to provide a stage for grooming, relaxation and formal dining"; a landscape illuminated by falling stars is discovered to be watered from below by "networks of metal piping" that "mirrored the arrangement of flowers above."

Elsewhere, a baker works himself to exhaustion "every day without fail," perfuming the city with fresh bread from within his "synaesthetic pleasure dome," its "glorious landscape of smells shifting from fermenting acidity to caramelizing sweetness, a riot of auburn and amber reflecting the fires of the bakery and street lamps outside, a symphony of hissing steam and the pummeling of dough."

The two images, below, show "nebulous clouds of steam," like an artificial weather front—its "topiaries of water vapour will become indistinguishable from clouds," we read—being produced in the baker's garden.

[Images: From "The Baker's Garden" by CJ Lim/Studio 8 Architects with Safia Qureshi, fromShort Stories].

There are dragons and summer solstices and mechanical animals roving the streets; butchers' towers, police on horseback, and a fictional interview with the director of something called the New Battersea Centre for Dogs, who explains how she managed to transform vast circular gasometers into greyhound racing parks.

As novelist China Miéville explained to BLDGBLOG in an interview published here last month, London is a city peculiarly well-suited for these sorts of literary and spatial phantasmagoria: "For various reasons, some cities refract, through aesthetics and through art, with a particular kind of flamboyancy. For whatever reason, London is one of them. I don’t mean to detract from all the other cities in the world that have their own sort of Gnosticism, but it is definitely the case that London has worked particularly well for this."

[Images: From "The Nocturnal Tower" by CJ Lim/Studio 8 Architects with Barry Cho, fromShort Stories].

In Short Stories—where myths are told through photographs of pop-out paper figures and propped-open books—London becomes a city architects will always have the freedom to re-dream, and architecture itself becomes a way to undo the spatial straightjackets we find ourselves within.

But does all this mean that the architect is thus politically neutered, reduced to the role of court jester, telling stories of impossible urban boroughs while the real city takes shape, a graph of nothing but the financial needs of absentee developers, hypnotized by fairy tales of a metropolis that can never be built?

[Images: From "The Celestial River" by CJ Lim/Studio 8 Architects with Maxwell Mutanda and Sarah Custance, from Short Stories].

Not at all: architects telling stories with and through complex spatial representations—rather than merely supplying construction documents—brings them into contact with all the arts and sciences that have always and already used the built environment as a framework for larger, abstract ideas. Architectural mythology doesn't cede anyone's right—or political ability—to change the city, any more than cinema, games, music, poetry, or narrative fiction might do, despite fundamentalist claims that these operate as nothing but middle-class distractions; in all cases, these and other speculative entertainments are often precisely the reason why new visions of human community, spatial justice, and cathartic well-being arise in the first place.

Of course, spatial tales will inspire some people simply to daydream, but that hardly sabotages architecture's undeniable power to push others to pursue, with great fervor and enthusiasm, the means of seeing such strange and hallucinatory sights someday come true.

Science fiction is no substitute for science itself, but it is a valuable, if not conceptually indispensable, tool for generating, discussing, and communicating often radical ideas.

And the same is true for architecture's relationship with architectural fiction: thankfully, the latter will not replace the former—but, again, that's not its point.

The point of "combining place and fiction," as Short Stories describes it, is not so that we can sit around infantilizing one another with fairy tales, treating the world as empty spectacle, but to reveal, through projects of great imaginative power, that another world is possible, and architects have a unique ability to chaperone this future earth into existence.











比如你星期五写了5个小时的企划案, 最好第二天去给你的盆栽们剪枝而不是睡到太阳晒屁股。还有一点,当你无法选择由脑力劳动转入体力劳动时,你不妨在脑力劳动内部转换。法国杰出的启蒙思想家卢梭就讲过他的心得:“我本不是一个生来适于研究学问的人,因为我用功的时间稍长一些就感到疲倦,甚至我不能一连半小时集中精力于一个问题上。但是,我连续研究几个不同的问题,即使是不间断,我也能够轻松愉快地一个一个地寻思下去,这一个问题可以消除另一个问题所带来的疲劳,用不着休息一下脑筋。于是,我就在我的治学中充分利用我所发现的这一特点,对一些问题交替进行研究。这样,即使我整天用功也不觉得疲倦了。”所以,这天你要是有好几个问题要处理,最好交替进行,而不要处理完一个再开始的二个,那样会很快被耗尽。











成年累月忙碌的节奏造就了顽固、可笑的生物节律,它总是让我无法享受休息时的些许宁静,闲暇时总觉得生活中缺了什么、无所事事 ,甚至还以为知道了什么是空虚?










南昌大学医学院 胡春松 北京大学人民医院 胡大一












杰:那就每天休息就不會啦(笑 ?)

M:(心中自語-自以為習慣每天休息就會麻痺喔 ?)






一種時間的彈性 情緒的彈性 思考的彈性













[Image: By Gerry Judah].

Artist Gerry Judah's paintings are massively and aggressively three-dimensional, piling up, away, and out from the canvas to form linked cities, ruins, and debris-encrusted bridges, like reefs.

[Images: By Gerry Judah].

They are perhaps what a tectonic collaboration between Lebbeus Woods andJackson Pollock might produce: blasted and collapsing landscapes so covered in white it's as if nuclear winter has set in.

[Image: By Gerry Judah].

As the short film included below makes clear, Judah embeds entire architectural models in each piece, affixing small constellations of buildings to the canvas before beginning a kind of archaeological onslaught: layering paint on top of paint, raining strata down for days to seal the landscape in place and make it ready for wall-mounting.

And then the paintings go up, sprawling and counter-gravitational, like ruins tattooed on the walls.

[Image: By Gerry Judah].

For more work—including pieces executed in red and black—see Judah's website (including his bio, which suggests larger architectural and theatrical influences).



NutNut Concept 13 - Video Post from AU Studio on Vimeo.


Rumor Mill: Is IKEA Entering the Eco-Friendly Car Market?

We already know that IKEA is debuting a line of solar-powered lights; could the Swedish giant actually enter the eco-friendly car market?
The Internet is abuzz about a mysterious yet official-looking French website that appeared today. The site touts the LEKO, an environmentally-friendly IKEA-branded concept car. A video on the LEKO site says that the car is a modular design that can act as either a coupe or convertible. The car apparently also has the full backing of the World Wildlife Fund France, though it's not clear if that means the WWF is contributing to the LEKO's development or just endorsing it.
There's a distinct possibility that the LEKO video and site are the viral warning shots for someone's April Fools' Day hoax. The LEKO is absent from the IKEA website, and most importantly, the car will be unveiled on April Fools' Day.
But hey, stranger things, right? April 1-7 is France's Sustainable Development Week, and IKEA already offers "kit homes" shipped in flatpacks to customers in Northern England and Scandinavia. I hope we can get a LEKO in Swedish blue and yellow.
We wonder, though, if a car made by IKEA might ship to customers in pieces to DIY like the images below.